
Kieren is a writer, editor and YouTube content creator.

His fiction work has been published in online journals and shortlisted for several awards and prizes.

His educational YouTube content has been shown in classrooms across the world as a teaching aid, and his editing work has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from the writers he’s worked with.

He has developed professional relationships with several writing-related brands, creating content that reflects the benefits of a variety of products, while also being useful and interesting to his audience.

Watch Kieren’s videos on YouTube, or read his published work on the Writing page of this site.


• Shortlisted for Bridport Flash Fiction Prize 2011

• Longlisted for Bridport First Novel Prize 2015

• Shortlisted for Fiction Factory Flash Fiction Comp' 2017

• Longlisted for Fiction Factory Flash Fiction Comp’ 2019

• Shortlisted for Bath Novella in Flash Prize 2020

• Shortlisted for Bridport Flash Fiction Prize 2020

• Story 'The Reach of the Light' published by Five South 2021

• Story 'Empty Backyard Pool' published by Free Flash Fiction Online 2021

• Wrestled with self doubt - daily since the late 80s.

For writing advice, creative inspiration and occasional original stories from Kieren.