I’d love to work on your writing.

Here’s my approach:



(Unfortunately, I’m not able to edit scripts, screenplays or memoirs as I simply don’t have any experience with them)


“Kieren's keen eye and natural sense for story comes through in every piece of feedback he provides. His suggestions helped me reach a level of writing that otherwise would have taken me months, if not years, to achieve on my own.”


“Kieren's review of my work was thoughtful and obviously came from a strong knowledge of storytelling. What really impressed me though, was the enthusiasm that came through in his review. It was from a person who really enjoyed what he was doing. His notes and ideas made it a pleasure to jump into another draft of my story.”


“I couldn't be more pleased with the editing services received for my manuscript. Kieren's insightful comments and suggestions displayed a deep understanding of story and writing. Moreover, their precise feedback and comments within Google Docs made the entire editing process streamlined and easy to follow.

Not only did they enhance my manuscript, but they also enriched my writing skills. This experience exceeded my expectations, and I'm looking forward to future collaborations. I wholeheartedly recommend this editing service to other writers at any level.”

— Christopher

Kieren's feedback was excellent! His advice was very specific and actionable, including rich examples. I was also very impressed by his ability to relate to my story specifically and in tune with my story's genre.

— Colin

I came across Kieren's YouTube channel and was instantly captivated by his love for writing and his genuine desire to help. I decided to have him take a look at my flash fiction, nerves and all, and I'm glad I did! Not only was he professional and knowledgeable but he was very kind in his critics. In the end, I not only knew where I needed to improve but I was also encouraged to continue with my writing. 10 out of 10!

— Jacqueline

“Having reached out to Kieren to provide a review of my writing, I couldn’t have asked for a more thoughtful, in-depth and comprehensive review of my work. Thanks Kieren!”

— Amber

Kieren's feedback was professional, timely, encouraging, and, most importantly, actionable.

— Melissa

Put all your doubts and insecurities to one side, and just go for it. It's a fantastic service and worth every penny.

— Michelle

Wow, I almost feel guilty getting so much awesome feedback for such a small fee. Who would have known I would find such a great mentor researching Cormac Mc Carthy Priceless. I’ve learned so much.

— Alan

“I am just starting out with Kieren (and new to writing as well), but I have already made more progress in my understanding of writing practices in the last month than I have in the last 10 years. When I proofread, his suggestions and comments jump out at me and I'm getting better every week! I highly recommend Kieren, especially if you're brand new like me. He is very encouraging and makes you want to keep going!”

- Leslie

“The editing style was exactly what I wanted and needed. I have tried others who have made a very generalized commentary on grammar with tense usage inconsistencies, but with your service of going line by line and pointing out the worst of them, I felt like it helped not just this work but would help in the future with how to spot them.”

- Charles

“From his developmental edits on my plot progression and character immersion, down to line level details, Kieren upped my writing skills. I revised the beginning of my novel and sure enough, the story came to life. Most significantly, his love of writing shines through when he offers his clear and well-considered edits. As for caring about his fellow writers, he’s the real deal. Worth every reasonable penny he charges for his time and insights...and then some.”

- Jules

“Kieren's edits were extremely helpful. His comments pointed out areas to improve the story, and all in ways that really showed he understood my goals with the piece. I'm looking forward to working with him again.”

- James

For writing advice, creative inspiration and occasional original stories from Kieren.