Short story, flash fiction or microfiction,

whatever you’ve got, I’d love to take a look at it for you.

Instead of charging seperately for developmental editing and line editing, I combine them into one service, for one fee.


  • I’ll look at your spelling, grammar and the basics (line editing)

  • I’ll consider how the story works as a whole, checking on dialogue, characterisation, pace, voice, structure and plot (developmental editing)

  • I’ll annotate your work throughout with clear and actionable feedback in the margins.

  • Then, at the end, I’ll include a full write up of all your strengths, areas I think you can develop and my recommended next steps for your story.

  • Once the edit is complete, I’ll answer any questions you might have about my feedback.



First, complete the form at the bottom of this page

Then,  I’ll email you a no-obligation

quote and delivery estimate

You can make payment using a secure payment method of your choice

and email me your writing (most common formats accepted)

Once I’ve got that, I’ll complete the full edit and return it to you by email

Finally, I’ll answer any questions you might have about my feedback


• Shortlisted for Bridport Flash Fiction Prize 2011

• Longlisted for Bridport First Novel Prize 2015

• Shortlisted for Fiction Factory Flash Fiction Comp' 2017

• Longlisted for Fiction Factory Flash Fiction Comp’ 2019

• Shortlisted for Bath Novella in Flash Prize 2020

• Shortlisted for Bridport Flash Fiction Prize 2020

• Story 'The Reach of the Light' published by Five South 2021

• Story 'Empty Backyard Pool' published by Free Flash Fiction Online 2021

• Wrestled with self doubt - daily since the late 80s.


My rate is $0.03 per word

Check your price:

Check your price:


Please complete this form and I’ll send you a no-obligation quote.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Tell me about your story

For writing advice, creative inspiration and occasional original stories from Kieren.